what is the difference between hsa and hra health plans


AspectHSA (Health Savings Account)HRA (Health Reimbursement Arrangement)
Ownership of AccountOwned and funded by the individualFunded solely by the employer and may be
and/or their employer.available for employee use.
Tax AdvantagesContributions are tax-deductible,Employer contributions are typically tax-
and earnings grow tax-free.deductible, and reimbursements for
Distributions for qualified medicalqualified medical expenses are
expenses are tax-free.tax-exempt for employees.
Can be invested for potentialInterest or earnings on the account
growth.are often not available to employees.
Eligibility RequirementsMust be enrolled in a High DeductibleAvailable to employees as defined by
Health Plan (HDHP).employer plan terms.
Contribution LimitsContribution limits are set by the IRSEmployers determine contribution limits
annually.and can vary.
In 2022, the annual contribution limitFor 2022, employers can contribute up to
for individuals is $3,650, and for$5,450 for self-only coverage and up to
families, it's $7,300.$11,000 for family coverage.
PortabilityFully portable; the account belongsTypically not portable; employees lose
to the individual and moves with themaccess to the HRA upon leaving the
regardless of employment changes.employer or retiring.
WithdrawalsCan be used for qualified medicalUsed exclusively for reimbursing
expenses at any time.qualified medical expenses.
After age 65, funds can be withdrawnUnused funds may be rolled over to the
for non-medical expenses withoutfollowing plan year (rollover amounts
penalties (though subject to incomevary by plan design), but not typically
tax, like a traditional IRA).portable if you leave the employer.
Role of the EmployerEmployers can contribute to the HSAEmployers fund and administer the HRA,
but it's not required.determining contribution amounts and
reimbursable expenses.
Reimbursement ProcessIndividuals pay for medical expensesEmployees submit receipts for qualified
out of the HSA and then requestmedical expenses to be reimbursed from
reimbursement.the HRA, subject to plan rules.

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